Eviction-Focused Legal Services

We Help You Navigate the Legal Process of Evictions

Count on our Attorney Team from Submission to Set-Out!

Legal Guidance Portal

Eviction Submission, Review & Reporting In REAL TIME

TIME-SAVING Efficient Communication Technologies

Education, Training and Legal Guidance ON-DEMAND

100% FIXED-FEE Pricing and Next-Day Electronic Invoicing

Our Team helps you avoid the lost time & wasted money from unwanted mistakes in your eviction process.

Our singular-focused approach to legal services enables us to devote all our energy to guiding your team through the eviction process effectively and efficiently.

Gain The

L&B Advantage

Our attorneys provide the legal advice, education, and training your teams need to be successful, from submission to set-out!

Indispensable legal advice and education for your teams are included with our service

We use technology-driven processes, so you can handle your evictions efficiently

Avoid the delays and inefficiencies that can result in lost rental income

Predictable, fixed-fee pricing & same-day electronic invoicing

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Proud Member of These Associations

Be Prepared For Your Next Eviction

We’ll help you confidently and efficiently navigate the legal process.

Fill out our online registration form

We’ll meet with you to determine how we can help

We'll provide the training you need to gain the L&B advantage

Gain the L&B Advantage

Our Attorney Team helps you avoid the lost time & wasted money that comes from unwanted mistakes in your eviction process!

Staying informed and up-to-date is vital to avoiding unwanted legal consequences in court. Let our singular-service approach help your teams efficiently negotiate their way through the eviction process.

What can we help you with?

Let us know what you’re looking for and we’ll help you find a solution.
